So are your ready to try out Mount Sinai, or maybe Jonah and the Whale? If you think you are, you need to come play the best miniature golf course in Kentucky. We have been featured by the Billy Graham Foundation, Travel Channel's Top 10 Most Unique Miniature Golf courses, and on CBS Sunday Morning Edition.
Our miniature golf consists of 3 courses, 18 holes each (54 holes total). Each course is beautifully landscaped with trees and flowers. Waterfalls and streams run through all three courses. Perfect for the whole family! You can choose to play one, two, or all three courses. Each has a biblical theme:
Course I- Old Testament
Course II- New Testament
Course III- Miracles
Each hole is represented by a biblical verse that explains where the idea for each hole came from. We have a brochure, along with a map of the course, to tell you about the hole and the verse.